Source to Us

Our Criteria


Within or near settlement boundaries
Near existing transport links
Outside flood zones

Min 500 square meters (0.124 Acres)
Maximum: 6000 square meters (1.483 Acres)

Commercial Property

Town Centres

Shops with upper floors
Other property types to be converted into residential accommodation

How to Source to Us

We will always be happy to pay a fee for deals successfully sourced to us, but we will need the following from you as an absolute minimum in order to assess a deal and commit to it:

Deal Summary

  1. Brief Summary of what the project entails
  2. Summary of you and your background

Deal Numbers

  1. Agreed Purchase Price
  2. Purchase Costs (Itemised)
  3. Conversion / Build costs (Itemised)
  4. Build Timeframe
  5. Project Management Costs (if relevant)
  6. Sourcing Fee
  7. Any other relevant Professional Fees (including but not limited to: Architect, Building Control, Planning, Surveys, Marketing)
  8. Furnishing Costs (if relevant)
  9. GDV
  10. Future Rent
  11. Lending Costs / Rates (if exit is refinancing)
  12. Local Letting Agent Rates (if exit is refinancing)

Supporting Documents / Information

  1. Address or Area
  2. Confirmed Tenure of Property
  3. Comparable Evidence of Sold / Let Prices
  4. Comparable Evidence For Sale / For Let Prices (i.e. on market but not sold)
  5. Detail on local area including population, large local employers, transport links and any other information you deem relevant
  6. Sales Details (if available)
  7. Photographs: External & Internal
  8. Floor Plans: Current and Proposed
  9. Proposed Build Team and summary of relevant experience
  10. Proposed Professional Team
  11. Planning Details